Affluenza in 16 Memes

Ethan Couch’s Affluenza Defense refers to a legal argument put forth by the attorneys of Ethan Couch, a North Texas teenager who fatally injured four pedestrians while driving a pickup truck under the influence of alcohol, which placed the blame for the defendant’s reckless actions on his wealthy upbringing and ultimately allowed him to escape a jail time sentence in January 2014.


2 responses to “Affluenza in 16 Memes

  1. If he had actually gotten the 20 years, he would have been better off because he would have been away from his destructive family. I was an investigator for a prominent criminal lawyer and we had a client much like him who was convicted of 2nd degree murder. If you had seen how needy, manipulative, and over-controlling his mother was, you could get an idea of how parents create these monsters. Her son got 26 years in a tough prison and he actually had a better life there, because mom was out of the picture. This brat AND his parents should all be in jail.


  2. well memes suck, but at least there is a database-dumpster to toss them into, still waiting for the meme-oven to be invented.


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