Straw Man Arguments Abound Over Sanders “China” Tweet

Desperately clinging to keep the “socialism is a communism” narrative alive, the conservative bloggers are “all a twitter” about Sen. Bernie Sanders tweet criticizing US domestic policy,

What most of us not wearing tin foil hats realize he is saying is that even a government which is known for human rights atrocities has sense enough to know that paid maternity leave for women is necessary for a healthier population. Something the US with all its supposed human rights achievements does not provide by law.

Jumping on the opportunity, the right has fired back that using China as an example for any context of human rights is laughable and ignorant. Because when a nation commits any atrocities then it is tainted and cannot properly teach us anything. Even providing a contrasting example is seen as naive.

But this neo-con strategy of obtuse misdirection is wearing thin now.  This school yard trick they use to confuse issues by exaggerating superfluous points into straw man and ad hominem arguments cannot be taken seriously anymore.

But the winner has to go to James Woods who gets to look like the idiot when calling someone an idiot.

Yes, James and yet they still get 14 weeks of maternity leave from their government.


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